Wednesday, August 5, 2009

We're in the home stretch...

It's time for another update :-)Here is what is going on with us... We recently moved into a bigger rental house to better accommodate our upcoming arrival in September. The move itself was not fun, especially at over 8 months pregnant and dealing with the Summer heat. We only moved a few blocks away from the other house as we really enjoy living in Castle Rock. Now that we are more settled, we are much happier in the hew house. This also means that we have more room for visitors...(hint, hint) Peter was able to come down and stay with us for about a week, it was so wonderful to have him here. We miss him SO much, I was very, very sad when I had to take him to the airport. Overall, we are both really starting to enjoy Denver, Ben's business is going well and we have already made some great friends. We just miss our family and friends all over the world.
As for the most important member of the family, we had another ultrasound last Thursday to take a peek at little Charlie. Our doctor's office has been really cool about giving us some extra ultrasounds, and we really appreciate it. Grandma Norine was in town to come to the appointment with us, so that was really cool. She came down to help us get settled and work on the nursery. Opa Larry and Oma Joan have generously offered to buy us Charlie's crib and dresser, so we are working on getting that ordered. We will feel much more ready once we have it all set up.
As for the ultrasound, everything went fantastic. Here is the good news, Charlie is already a BIG boy, with his estimated weight at 5 lbs 4 oz. He was in the 97% for most measurements (head, femur length, etc.) Here is the bad news, I have to BIRTH him :-) He is definitely taking after his father who was close to 11 lbs at birth. WHOA. We can also definitely see a family resemblance between Ben and Charlie, especially the massive cheeks. I wish we had a baby photo of Ben to scan in, it is pretty amazing. I am sure you will be able to see the likeness pretty clearly from the pictures I have posted. The first picture is a close up of his face, the second is showing him sucking on his hand, and the third is a picture of his ear with his hair growing all around it. I cannot believe how much hair he already has, now we just have to guess the color!!!
From now on I go to the doctor every 2 weeks, and then at 36 weeks I will start going on a weekly basis. We also recently started our baby preparation classes at Sky Ridge Hospital. The classes teach lamaze, birthing tips and much more, we'll see how much these techniques actually work during birth ;) We had or second class last night where we had the opportunity to tour the birthing center where we will deliver. The hospital is new and the rooms were very nice, so we feel much more confident about delivery (or as much as possible...)Time is really flying for us, but we cannot WAIT to meet our son.
Love to everyone.
Ben and Tova

1 comment:

  1. He's so handsome!! I bet you can't wait to smother those chubby cheeks in kisses!!! Way to go momma (and obviously, daddy) he's a good lookin' guy!

    P.S. Your counter says you've only got 44 days to go!!! I don't even want to think about it!!

