Monday, June 29, 2009

We made it to the third trimester!!!

Sorry, it has been quite a while since I last updated Charlie's blog. Things are going great, and I am over 28 weeks along now. It is almost surreal that time is flying by so quickly at this point in the pregnancy. It is amazing to us that our little Charlie will be here in a few short months. We are excited and also extremely nervous about having a newborn to take care of. My legendary need for sleep is going to go by the wayside.....wish me luck!!!
At the end of May, we took a trip home to Washington to visit family and I was lucky enough to have TWO baby showers for Charlie. My aunt Carole Leigh and my cousin, Marisa, held the first one in Marysville, and we had such a blast seeing family and friends. My Mother in Law, Norine, held the second shower in Bellevue, it was amazing to catch up with everyone. I feel so lucky to have had two incredible showers, and to be able to share the pregnancy with our friends and family. Thank you again to everyone that made it :-)
One of the BEST parts of being home was the fact that my entire globe trotting family was there. My parents flew in from Munich right before the showers, and my brother, Peter, flew in from Brisbane, Australia a few days later. Having the whole Hansen family together again was the best present I could have asked for.
As for things in Colorado, we are moving into a new house in mid July. While moving and being pregnant aren't exactly a good combination, we'll make it work. Peter is going to head down our way for a week to hang out, and we will be utilizing his strength for lifting and moving. We are SO excited to get out of the current rental we are in, as it is just way too small. We need extra room for guests, and of course, a NURSERY! I cannot wait to get Charlie's room all set up for his arrival, we are going with a nautical theme. This is in preparation to position Charlie to follow in his father's footsteps as a sailor.
I am now visiting my doctor's office every two weeks since I am in the third trimester. I had an appointment today, and everything is looking great. I am measuring right on target, and I am feeling many periods of movement and kicks throughout the day. I just pray that the pregnancy continues to go smoothly as we get towards the end. I am starting to feel more uncomfortable, and I am NOT enjoying the heat of the Summer in Colorado while being this pregnant. All in all, I guess if that is my only complaint, I am pretty lucky.
I have included a slide show of some recent pictures from our last ultrasound and our trip home to WA!
