Tuesday, August 25, 2009

T minus 25 days.....

Wow, we are getting so close to Charlie's arrival now. I cannot believe that we will be welcoming him in around 3 weeks. We are finally getting everything together, the crib arrived and Ben put it together, we're just waiting on the dresser/changing table to arrive this week and the nursery will be complete! I will take pictures when that finally happens...
We had our 36 week doctor's appointment today and things are still looking good. He is healthy and BIG....that is the only issue we are facing right now. I am having another ultrasound in 10 days to look at his size, at that point we'll have a better idea of what I will be facing during delivery. There is talk that I COULD possibly be headed for a c-section, but we're all hoping that won't be the case. He is measuring around 3 weeks ahead at this point, so wish me luck and keep me us all in your prayers...
Other than that, we're enjoying our time before baby. I am taking as many naps as possible, as it's become much more difficult to sleep at night. I am definitely starting to feel ready to not be pregnant anymore :-) I think Ben is ready for that too....he gets to listen to my daily complaints.
I am posting some recent pictures taken by Grandma Norine, you can see that the belly is expanding quite rapidly.
That is about all that is happening here. We did set up a "baby pool" where you can guess his birth stats, we'd love it if you took a minute to post what your guess is.
The website is:
Love to everyone, Ben, Tova and Charlie

1 comment:

  1. You look so adorable!!! Can't wait to see you and Ben and crew and truly can't wait to meet little Charlie!!!! Jen

