Wednesday, October 21, 2009

We made it to 6 weeks ....

I thought it might be time for a new blog with some Charlie updates. It's funny how I am home all day, yet don't find any time to even get a simple blog completed. I am still learning how to balance a baby on one arm and get something done with the other. This Mom thing is sure harder than I could have imagined, yet so incredibly rewarding.
Charlie is doing really well so far, he is starting to put on some weight and has the CUTEST cheeks you could imagine. Our life consists entirely of eating, changing and sleeping, sounds exciting, right? The doctor told us to limit his exposure to the public until he was at least 6 weeks, so we have been staying mostly indoors. He is growing so fast though, and it's amazing to just look back on the past 6 weeks and see how much he has already changed. In the past few days he has started to really smile and make direct eye contact, and I cry EVERY time he gives me a gummy grin. That smile more than makes up for all the sleepless nights and dirty diapers. It's true that you don't ever know how much you can love another human until you have a child, it's such a different kind of love. We feel so lucky to have him in our lives.
We had a wonderful time with Grandma Joan here, we even went to the "Garden of the Gods" down in Colorado Springs. I am pretty sure Charlie won't remember how much fun we had....but he enjoyed the fresh air. It was such a help to have a knowledgeable and veteran Mom around the house, and we cannot even express how much we appreciated having her here. I cried for a long time when she left us to our own devices :-) Grandma Norine is coming down to visit and help out as of tomorrow, so we are really looking forward to having her here. I might even get a NAP on my own....that is very exciting.
Ben is leaving on his first business trip away from us, and we are all dreading it. Ben is a natural Daddy and it's so much fun to see him with his son. I can tell they are going to be the best of buddies as Charlie grows. It's amazing to see your husband as a father, and I could not ask for a more loving, attentive Dad to our baby boy.
All in all, we are doing pretty well adjusting to life as a family. The furry kids are acting out a bit, but I guess that is to be expected as they have been our babies for so long. Maybe they'll be happy when they realize that I have a human baby to dress up for Halloween this year and they won't be subjected to their usual demeaning pet costumes.
I have added some of our favorite pictures of Mr. Charlie in the past few weeks. We are pretty sure he is the cutest and smartest baby on the planet (wow, we are starting to sound like parents...) but we're pretty sure you'll agree as well.
Love to everyone!!
Ben, Tova and Charlie

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